On 27 January 2015 the new edition of the "Lexikon der deutschen Weltmarktführer" ["Index of German Global Market Leaders"] was published. New entries are listed in this approximately 750 page book. Picanova GmbH is included as a global market leader in the area of customised wall decoration with a focus on photo canvases.
Summit meeting for global market leaders. The new edition of the "Index of German Global Market Leaders" was presented during the annual summit meeting for global market leaders between 27 and 29 January 2015. The publishers Dr. Florian Langenscheidt and Prof. Dr. Bernd Venohr presented the new "Index of German Global Market Leaders" during a formal book launch on 27 January 2015.
Significant for promoting business
A top-quality advisory panel made up of representatives from notable German industrial associations, the media and research institutions has created a 750 page, first-rate reference text that will play a particularly important role for those involved in promoting and developing business. Regions with a large number of global market leaders will be able to engage in more targeted promotional activities.
Hidden champions for consumers too
"German global market leaders represent leadership in terms of quality and technology. These strengths and capabilities are relatively little appreciated by the general public", says Dr. Florian Langenscheidt, publisher of the index. This might be obvious for the business-to-business sector, but even in the consumer area there are hidden global market leaders. The family-run company Picanova GmbH is listed in the index as one of the global market leaders in the area of customised wall decoration with a focus on photo canvases.
German photo canvases are in demand worldwide
"Made in Germany" continues to be a popular indicator of quality. The same applies to photo canvases, which are currently popular for decorating your own four walls. If you are interested in Picanova, the "Index of German Global Market Leaders" is aimed at you. The book is published by Deutsche Standards EDITIONEN GmbH with a print run of 10,000 copies. A special edition in English is also available at all German embassies and at Goethe Institutes around the world.